【COLUMN】胡蝶の夢 Butterfly Dreams - feeling as if in a dream- by C& / acoya Chitose Ohchi Vol.1

【COLUMN】胡蝶の夢 Butterfly Dreams - feeling as if in a dream- by C& / acoya Chitose Ohchi  Vol.1


11/16 満月のバー @ FEELSEEN GINZA



11/16の満月のバーはスペシャルな上映会です。今回の展覧会”みでぃる ぬ ひ“は与那国島を舞台にした物語です。そこで、与那国島の若人達が主役となるイタリア出身の映像作家アヌシュ・ハムゼヒアンと写真家ヴィットーリオ・モルタロッティがつくったドキュメンタリー“Yonaguni”を皆さんにみて頂きたいと思います。



西の果ての美しい島, 与那国島で育つ子供達は15歳からみんなそれぞれの道を歩き始めます。日本という国だけではくくれない遠い島のことを少しでも身近に感じていただけますように。

Yonaguni -> https://yonaguni-films.com/yonaguni/





11/16 Full Moon Bar, 海をイメージしたお酒と真珠を楽しみながら秋の素敵な一夜をご一緒に、お待ちしています。




Butterfly Dreams - feeling as if in a dream-

Full Moon Bar @ FEELSEEN GINZA on the 16th of November

An exclusive bar event held on the full and new moons, featuring a talk session with a sparkling drink adorned with a pearl. 

The full moon bar on November 16th will include a special screening. The exhibition Mideiru nu Hi is set on the island of Yonaguni. We invite you to view the documentary Yonaguni by Italian filmmaker Anush Hamzehian & and photographer Vittorio Mortarotti, featuring young people from Yonaguni Island in the main roles. 

Japan is a country with a rich and varied culture, extending from north to south.

In this film, children growing up on the beautiful, remote island of Yonaguni in the country’s far west begin to build their own paths at the age of 15. We hope this film brings you a little closer to this distant island, which cannot be defined solely by Japan's cultural identity.

***Yonaguni -> https://yonaguni-films.com/yonaguni/


The film posted on Instagram is separate from the documentary featuring the boys I had the pleasure of filming with. How wonderful they are, each with their kind hearts! I sincerely hope that this peace continues.

Please join us for a delightful autumn evening filled with drinks and pearls inspired by the sea. Looking forward to seeing you!




展覧会 |みでぃる ぬ ひ・ Midiru nu hi

2024.11.16 (Sat) - 11.25 (Mon) 12:00 - 19:00

休廊日: 11.18 (Mon)




Event | 満月のバー・Full Moon Bar

2024/11/16 (Sat) 17:30 - 18:30



Special film screening of ‘Yonaguni’ by Anush Hamzehian & Vittorio Mortarotti

*Drink ¥1,650

問い合わせ|@acoya @chi_and






